Saturday, December 6, 2014

Mystingo Game Developments

Mystingo Game Developments

We decided that point end-game triggers would be to hard to keep track of during the midst of the game. Especially since we encourage players to place their enemy's captured faction members face down so other players won't be able to keep track of points. We came to a solution to place an antidote for the Mystingo virus in the middle of the board. If your leader reaches the antidote, then you win the game. If two leaders are destroyed, then the battle ends and the player with the most points win.

We decided to remove the arch mage from the game since it slowed down game play and prevented specific routes to get to the other team. However, we also had it so that the arch mage was automatically in the team. An additional option was to include the arch mage as an optionally member to include, make it worth but to decreasing the attack range to 3 and allow it to move 1 space. Additionally, we removed the gargoyle to limit the time of selecting characters so that during the play testing in class, it would speed up the process. However, we want to add the gargoyle so that it only has melee attack all around that can only attack for 1 attack range, but can turn to stone for one whole round so that it cannot be attacked or destroyed during that round.

Additionally, we used a white board game piece to pass around to indicate who's turn it was. As well as creating reference cards with the battle triangle, what you can do on your turn, and explaining the different symbols on each card and what the ability does.

During our 3 play tests in class when we had professional game testers test our game, we found that the learning curve was steep for casual players from the class, but the professionals won every round. This was expected since Mystingo is a carefully created strategy game and the professional play testers picked up on the game rather quickly and defended their leaders. The game ended the first play through with a close game where the two leaders were destroyed. The second game ended rather quickly where two players left their leaders wide open for attack and the other two players differentiated by 1 point deciding the victor. The third game ended with a player receiving the antidote and winning the game even though they did not have the most amount of points if the game would've ended by two leaders being destroyed.

There was plenty of feedback from the professional playtesters that we would want to consider when publishing this game. The antidote could be worth a certain amount of points and the game wouldn't actually end when one player receives it. There could be cards that have a decoy 1 or 2 point character on the back of it and actually be a 4 point assassin or other character that can be flipped for deception. There could be a rule that you may choose to rotate only one tick and not completely in whatever direction you want for a cost of one movement point. These are great suggestiosn that should be considered when playing a full game. However, an incorporated set of additional rules that was not included in our game was that there would be Mystingo Decisions cards that would be drawn after the first round of the game. This would effect how the game will be played and change strategies involved on who will win the game. This adds endless possibilities for replay value to the game. The battle portion of the game is what we aimed to perfect and now that it is balanced and we proved that it can work, we can focus on adding abilities to characters, additional characters, and balancing points with movement more effectively.

For example,

Cavalier with 4 movment and assassin with 4 movement be decreased to 3 movement. Additionally, elemental archer have increased range of 3. These would all be 4 point cards.

MYSTINGO: There are 4 factions in Mystingo. Faction A, B, C, D (Fill in whatever name you want)
From now on, you are the leader of your faction. Make your own decisions.
Enough Talk! There’s a virus spreading across Mystingo. You have an antidote for the virus. You must steal an antidote from another player’s leader in order to save your faction or receive another antidote from the middle of the board.

Choose your faction members now. You only have 20 points to use. Each faction member is allocated with points.
Strongest Team with most point values:
4 + 4+ 4+ 4 + 3 + 1= 20 points. 6 members + leader = 7 tokens total
Balanced Team with all points:
4 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 +1 + 1 = 20 pints. 8 members + leader = 9 tokens total
Lowest Cost Team:
1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 20 pts. = 11 members + leader = 12 tokens total.

Teams consist of 7- 12 members.

Place your tokens inside your base. The back row of the base can be used to place tokens face down.

Mystingo Deceision : You will now choose the type of leader you want to be.

The Chosen One: Protect your faction at all costs. Your objective is to win the battle. If you survive the battle, you receive the antidote.

The Coward : You agree to give your antidote to another player. Choose the player's color and place it under this card. At the end of battle or if you are destroyed in battle, you give your antidote to this player. Your remaining faction members die of the virus, you lose the battle, but your leader stays alive and if a player destroyed you in battle, they do not receive your antidote.

The Researcher - You will spend bountiful amounts of time researching another antidote. If destroyed in battle, you give a full antidote to the player who destroyed you in return for saving your faction. You die of the virus.

Mystingo - You are the virus, you do not recieve an antidote and you destroy any collected antidotes. If all factions die, you gain +10 Points and you survive the virus. Otherwise, you are consumed by Mystingo.

After 1 complete round,


Mystingo Decision Example: Choose who you think will be the winner of the battle.
(If you think the game will end with two leaders destroyed, then you could not choose yourself, but if they receive the other half of the antidote, then you would also be correct. Or if you think you will obtain the antidote or be in the final two characters, then you could choose yourself. You could even pick someone else and sacrifice your leader.)
You will receive 5 points at the end of the game if your decision is correct.

Mystingo Decision Example: Give a Tier 2 PowerUp to another player. They may use this power up at any time during the battle for one complete round

Tier 2 PowerUps:
Dark Book - All faction members receive protection from melee for 1 turn.
Golden Sword - All faction members receive protection from ranged for 1 turn.
Lightning Arrow - All faction members receive protection from magic for 1 turn.

Only two players can win the battle.

You have survived the virus. + 5 Points

If your faction survives the virus. + 5 Points

After two factions win the battle, the two remaining leaders reveal their leader types beginning with the chosen one, then the coward, then the researcher, then mystingo.


What is Mystingo?

A. The Planet
B. The Virus
C. The Antidote
D. All of the Above


Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 4 - Class Wide Playtest

During this week of development, we got to test our game against new players. During these playtest rounds, we realized a lot about the difficult aspects of our game. At first our game seems very difficult to understand, however, after a few rounds, players easily got the hang of how to play. 

Some of the problems that we faced were certain characters had a high movement speed, plus a greater attack range. To balance this out, we kept the movement speed the same, since moving across the board slowly. We lowered our attack range on our ranged attack. 

Another point that was brought up during the playtest was the lack of information on the actual tokens. During the game, it would be easier for players to make decisions if they knew the attack range and the point value for each character right on the board as opposed to having to reference the cards continually. 

The last thing that we noticed during our play test session was that the games were taking too long. We needed an alternative, shorter end game trigger rather than the traditional 2 dead leader approach. We are currently working on a solution to this issue via playtests and thinking of point related end game triggers.